เรียงตาม :
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : IDM Testรหัส : 040101Sample compressometer to make all the essays on packaging paper and sheets of corrugated/waved cardboard such as: RCT, CMT, CCT, CFC, ECT. Equipment w
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : INDUSTRIAL FOOD TECHNOLOGYรหัส : FT75The FT75 is an example of modern high-temperature, short-time (HTST) pasteurisers used in food production. Utilising a three-stage plate heat exchange
รหัส : C16The Armfield Hydrogen Bubble Flow Visualisation System has been designed to enable viewing of the complex flow patterns associated with water flowing
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : C SERIES - ADVANCED FLUID MECHANICSรหัส : C16The Armfield Hydrogen Bubble Flow Visualisation System has been designed to enable viewing of the complex flow patterns associated with water flowing
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : CE SERIES - CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGรหัส : CERa-MKIICERa-MKII apparatus for investigation of mass transfer and gaseous diffusion has traditionally used a capillary tube in a hot water bath, with a trave
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : CE SERIES - CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGรหัส : CEYThe CEY Plug flow reactor demonstrates step and pulse changes for plug flow characterisation and steady-state conversion for a second order reaction.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : F SERIES - FLUID MECHANICSรหัส : F1-19The Flow Channel introduces students to the characteristics of flow in an open channel at an elementary level. Demonstrating basic phenomena associat
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : F SERIES - FLUID MECHANICSรหัส : F1-38The Armfield F1-38 Hele Shaw apparatus enables investigation into the principles of potential flow and enables modelling of appropriate physical syste
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : S SERIES - APPLIED HYDRAULICS & HYDROLOGYรหัส : S12The S12 Advanced Environmental Hydrology System is unique in its capability, with features suitable for studying fluvial geomorphology which include: