เรียงตาม :
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : NA SERIES - NAVAL ARCHITECTUREรหัส : NA4The NA4-10 Ships Vibrations Test Model is designed to enable students to investigate a simple model hull form for resonance phenomena. It may be used
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : NA SERIES - NAVAL ARCHITECTUREรหัส : NA8The NA8-10 Large Angle Stability System is designed for the study of ship hydrostatics and stability. A comprehensive manual provides hydrostatic stab
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : PCT SERIES - PROCESS CONTROL TEACHING SYSTEMรหัส : PCT23MKIIThe Armfield Process Plant Trainer – PCT23MKII can be used to demonstrate a complete range of process control methods and strategies.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : PCT SERIES - PROCESS CONTROL TEACHING SYSTEMรหัส : PCT40The PCT40 contains everything that is needed to perform a range of single-loop process control experiments in conjunction with a PC.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : PCT SERIES - PROCESS CONTROL TEACHING SYSTEMรหัส : PCT50PCT50 is a highly visible and easy to understand water level control process.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : PCT SERIES - PROCESS CONTROL TEACHING SYSTEMรหัส : PCT51PCT51 is a visible and easy to understand water flow control process.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : PCT SERIES - PROCESS CONTROL TEACHING SYSTEMรหัส : PCT52PCT52 is a visible and easy to understand temperature control process.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : PCT SERIES - PROCESS CONTROL TEACHING SYSTEMรหัส : PCT53PCT53 is a highly visible and easy to understand pressure control process, which uses pumped water to generate air pressure in a closed tank.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : PCT SERIES - PROCESS CONTROL TEACHING SYSTEMรหัส : PCT54PCT 54 is an industrial PID controller incorporated in a console with input and output connections and controls on the front panel, designed primarily
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : PCT SERIES - PROCESS CONTROL TEACHING SYSTEMรหัส : PCT56PCT56 is a trainer designed to introduce the essentials of signal conditioning applicable to process measurement sensors.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : RA SERIES - REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONINGรหัส : RA1- MKIIThe RA1-MKII is a self contained computer controlled vapour-compression refrigeration system with automatic recording of all important process variabl