เรียงตาม :
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : CE SERIES - CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGรหัส : CEYThe CEY Plug flow reactor demonstrates step and pulse changes for plug flow characterisation and steady-state conversion for a second order reaction.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : CE SERIES - CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGรหัส : CEZThe CEZ Laminar flow reactor is a tubular reactor, mounted on a floor standing steel frame with two diffusers packed with glass beads located at the e
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : CM SERIES - INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINEรหัส : CM11-MKIIThe Armfield CM11MkII is a self-contained integrated, multi-cylinder engine, dynamometer and instrumentation system, based on a VAG (Volkswagon Automo
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : CM SERIES - INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINEรหัส : CM12CM12 is a self-contained integrated multi-cylinder engine, dynamometer and instrumentation system. It is based on a 1.9 litre, 4-cylinder automotive d
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : CM SERIES - INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINEรหัส : CM14The CM14 axial flow turbine engine, has been integrated into a sturdy metal frame that holds it firmly, while enabling accurate measurement of the thr
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : CM SERIES - INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINEรหัส : CM20The Armfield CM20 Single Cylinder Engine Range provides a self-contained engine test rig that enables students to investigate a range of engine perfor
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : FE SERIES - IRRIGATION WATER MANAGEMENTรหัส : FEL4Primarily for the derivation of soil moisture characteristic curves, the FEL4 helps in understanding the principle of water retentivity and its relati
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : EF BUNDLED EDUCATION SOLUTIONSรหัส : EFK5Contains one of each of the Friction, Simple Harmonic Motion, Rotational Friction and Potential and Kinetic Energy Kits, plus four Base Units.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : EF BUNDLED EDUCATION SOLUTIONSรหัส : EFK1The Engineering Fundamentals range is designed to enable students to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of engineering by the process of learni
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : EF DYNAMICSรหัส : EF-2.1The kit is designed to help students understand that friction can be divided into 2 categories, static friction and kinetic (dynamic) friction.