เรียงตาม :
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : FM SERIES - FANS AND COMPRESSORSรหัส : FM42A motor driven multi-stage centrifugal compressor mounted on a stainless steel plinth with transparent air inlet and air outlet ducts. A manually oper
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : NA SERIES - NAVAL ARCHITECTUREรหัส : NA8The NA8-10 Large Angle Stability System is designed for the study of ship hydrostatics and stability. A comprehensive manual provides hydrostatic stab
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : W SERIES - WATER TREATMENTรหัส : W8The Armfield Anaerobic Digester is designed as a benchtop training facility and as a means of providing operational process data for plant design purp
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : W SERIES - WATER TREATMENTรหัส : W9 MKIIBench mounted unit designed to demonstrate the use of ion-exchange resins for either continuous water softening or demineralisation. The equipment is
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : SV SERIES - STATICS & VIBRATIONSรหัส : SV900The Armfield SV900 Friction on an Inclined Plane is a compact bench top unit supplied with a sturdy aluminium base plate, non-slip feet and central ve
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : SV SERIES - STATICS & VIBRATIONSรหัส : SD-1.60A bench mounted enclosure contains all the electronics and safety guard for this apparatus. On top is a shaft running in bearings. The shaft can carr
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : Canneedรหัส : SFAT-100CanNeed-SFAT-100 Static Friction Angle Tester enables accurate measurement of container lubricity and coefficient of static friction. Three contain