เรียงตาม :
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : F SERIES - FLUID MECHANICSรหัส : F1-23-MKIIThis equipment is designed to produce and measure the characteristics of free and forced vortices using a hydraulics bench.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : FM SERIES - FANS AND COMPRESSORSรหัส : FM61The FM61 consists of an inlet manifold which supplies water to a central hub. Water exits the hub radially through two square orifices.
หมวดหมู่สินค้า : FM SERIES - FANS AND COMPRESSORSรหัส : FM62A small-scale Pelton turbine unit which is designed to be used in conjunction with the FM6X service unit. A Pelton turbine uses the momentum transferr